Is your relationship with your spouse rocky? If so, then you may be wondering if divorce is on the horizon. After all, if it looks like your marriage is headed toward dissolution, then you’ll want to prepare as much as possible so that you can protect your emotional and financial interests moving forward.
Signs that divorce may be near
So, what are some warning signs that divorce may be coming your way? Here are just a few red flags that you may want to be aware of:
- Lack of communication
- Communication that lacks openness and honesty
- Lack of respect
- Resentment
- Contempt that arises after infidelity or over certain behaviors
- Lack of patience with one another
- Excessive criticism of each other
- Stonewalling, where one spouse essentially refuses to interact with the other
- Lack of intimacy
- Financial infidelity that leaves one spouse feeling cheated
- An increase is escapism, meaning that one party or both fantasize about living a different life and try to bring that into reality by making new friend or making out of the ordinary purchases
- A general and persistent feeling of unhappiness
These are just some of the many signs that may be indicative of a failing relationship and, potentially, divorce. So, keep your eyes and ears open and try to anticipate where your relationship is headed.
What to do if you think that you’re headed for divorce
If you think that marriage dissolution is looming in the near future, then now is the time to prepare. You’ll want to start saving money and figuring out what you need post-divorce to be financially stable. You may also want to think about what timesharing with your children will look like and which marital assets are most important to you.
We know that these are complicated considerations, especially when you’re coming to terms with the fact that your marriage may be on the verge of collapse. But that’s why skilled law firms like ours are here to help. If you’d like to learn more about what a legal professional can do to help alleviate the burden and position you for success, then please consider reaching out to an advocate you can trust.