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Revisiting Family Court Orders When Circumstances Change

A parenting plan or child support order reflects the realities at the time of divorce. As time goes on, kids grow and change. The adults change jobs, change locations and find new love interests. Life happens, and one day, that court order is no longer in sync with your family’s needs, leading to conflict and stress.

The post-decree modification lawyers at The Lampe Law Office, LLC, regularly handle post-decree requests to change custody arrangements or modify child support . We represent clients who are petitioning to modify an order, as well as parents who object to the change or need an advocate to renegotiate the terms. Our lawyers are well-versed in Ohio family law and the legal standard governing modifications. We will strongly protect your rights while helping you reach a resolution, in or out of court.

What Is A Post-Decree Modification?

Only the court that had jurisdiction over a divorce or custody proceeding can modify or terminate an order. Ohio statute allows either party to petition for a modification if there has been a substantial change in circumstance regarding parenting arrangements, child support, spousal support, domestic violence civil protection orders or other family court orders.

Modifications Of Custody And Parenting Time

Custody modifications can be very contentious. Ideally, the parents can work out a new parenting plan and present it to the court for approval. Otherwise, the issue will be settled by a judge in a modification hearing. Our lawyers have handled modifications relating to:

  • Changing a custody arrangement, including asking for sole custody or reversing primary custody
  • Relocation of the custodial parent
  • The amount of visitation
  • Changes to the co-parenting schedule or other facets of the parenting plan

Our role is to support your vision for what is in the best interests of your children.

Modifications Of Child Support Or Spousal Support

Either party can seek an increase or decrease in financial support based on economic circumstances. For example, if the paying parent has experienced job loss or reduced hours, they may not be able to meet the court-ordered level of support. Conversely, a new job or significant promotion may merit an increase in child support. Spousal support can be terminated if the recipient remarries or becomes financially independent. Our attorneys are skilled at discovering or imputing income to make sure the court has accurate information.

Experienced Advocacy For Post-Decree Modifications

Call The Lampe Law Office, LLC, in West Chester at 513-889-0400 to arrange a consultation, or contact us online. Our family law practice serves clients throughout Butler, Clermont, Hamilton and Warren counties.